Rust BusterTotal Release Penetrating Fluid.
Outstanding penetrating and release fluid rapidly frees and lubricates corroded and seized nuts, bolts, studs, etc
Rust Buster is a fast acting release agent that quickly releases frozen and corroded parts. It is a blend of powerful penetrative solvents and lubricants.
penetrates and displaces water, loosens rust and corrosion and gets to the root of the problem. The special lubricants in Rust Buster have outstanding adhesion to metal to provide the high level of lubrication needed in a release application.
removes grease and dirt and protects treated components from further corrosion.
How to Use
Rust Buster is used as supplied, it is applied by spray, brush or immersion......
After application, leave for a short period for the chemical to penetrate, then simply release with a hand tool. In particularly stubborn cases a second may be necessary and on heavily corroded nuts and bolts, corrosion layers may be best broken by attempting to tighten the affected part.
Rust Buster is used as a penetrating and release agent on nuts and bolts, brake and speedometer cables, battery terminals, commutators, starters, air toois jammed locks, motor block studs & bolts and aluminium heads. Finds use in general mechanical & plant maintenance, precision engineering, aeronautics and the water supply industry.
It is used to loosen tight fittings such as tubes and pipes, shackles and broken taps, to remove bromide from carburettor jets, for treating rusting components and for removing oxidised metal parts.
Based - he Green Releasing Fluid
ALSO AVAILABLE IN 5, 25 OR 210 Ltr Drums
Product Code: RUSXM4DB67
Manufacturer: Pearson & Wilkinson